"She'll be right"....Oh Come on NZ!!!
In 2008, my Kiwi wife gave birth to our first child in London, my old home and where we first met. It was at that moment I knew we were moving to New Zealand to bring up the family. My wife was a proud Cantabrian, we had got married in Christchurch the year before so I had had the chance to see the beauty, serenity and pace of life and I couldn't wait to move.
"She'll be Right Mate!"
The "She'll be Right" Kiwi attitude rang so true to me and reminded me of my younger years growing up in the South West of England and to give my kids that opportunity was awesome. I did not want them to experience the intolerance, violence, crime and general fast paced, aggressive life that was UK 2008.
Roll on 13 years, earthquakes, terrorist shootings, crime on the rise, covid-19 creating desperation and I see NZ fast becoming what England had become back then. The difference though......NZ has a chance to acknowledge, address and halt the slide. But....lets loose the "She'll be right" because unless you have a "What If Plan" then, as the picture says...we are burying our heads in the sand and leaving our "rears" exposed to the same atrocities that snuck up on not only the UK, but Australia and USA and many other countries around the globe.
So what now?
Evaluate, Plan, Rehearse and Review and let's not get caught out. Stop living in the mindset that it won't happen here, because it IS! Terrorism, Gang Violence, Drug Harm...it's all happening and it's all getting worse.
Engage a risk management, security professional to help you safeguard your business, staff, family, clients and assets;
We have done the study,
We've done the analysis,
We HAVE the plans
NZ Health and Safety Law says YOU MUST!
Let's start to be proactive, to put the steps in place to safeguard the lives we have, keep living the great life that NZ provides us, knowing we have the plans if we ever need them
If its not me, then research other experts & ask their advice, all I ask...start the ball rolling TODAY
"Kia Kaha NZ, this place is amazing....let's do the necessary to help keep it that way"
matt@octoberprotection.co.nz www.octoberprotection.co.nz 03 423 9015